
and give me Jesus!

Latest Indy Visit

on July 13, 2012

This post requires a little back story, so bear with me.

I was born and raised for 10 years in indy.  My family is all from there.  We moved to Illinois so my dad could go to college to earn his Bachelor’s in Preaching.  My parents and one sister still live in Illinois not far from me.  But my grandparents and my other sister still live in indy.  I go to see my sis as often as I can.  She has four kids, and they rock.  Recently, one has gone to live with Jesus…that’s another blog for another day.

Anyways, my son and I took a trip to indy last month for my nephew’s high school graduation party.  We always stay later than just the scheduled event…we just have so much fun together!!

This is my son and two of my nephews attacking one of my other nephews.  They love the big boys…they are like living jungle gyms!!

During this visit, we celebrated my nephew graduating from high school.  I did shed a few tears, wondering where in the world the time went.  It seems like only a couple of years ago I was feeding him a bottle and changing his diapers!! (love you ceige!)  Kids grow way too fast.  I wish I knew how to slow it down!

CJ enjoyed his graduation cake that I made for him.  It included: the four babies (even though they are not babies anymore), a pbj sandwich, an Indiana state cutout decorated like the state flag, the Subway logo, his high school wrestling team logo, a gold medal, a frosty from Wendy’s, a cutout of his tattoo, his college team wrestling logo, a graduation cap, and him riding the coaster of life.  All these things represent my nephew, pretty much in a nut shell.

After we celebrated his graduation, we also had to celebrate his dad’s birthday.  My son and nephew wanted to help decorate Uncle Gene’s birthday cake!

My niece wanted to deliver the cake to him.  For a second, we thought she was going to smash it in his face.  “Here Dad, have cake!”

After I snapped the picture, I realized it was a bittersweet photo.  My nephew who went to live with Jesus is in the background looking down on the festivities.  It was an awesome moment.

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