
and give me Jesus!

Crazy, Busy Summer

on July 14, 2012

This summer has absolutely been crazy!  It has flown by so quickly!

Normally, during the school year, I work at an elementary school as a Supervisor.  Basically, I watch the kids at lunch, recess, and before and after school.  It is so much fun; I truly love my job.  But, during the summer, I do not get paid.  So, I have to work other jobs, which I do not love!  lol

I have been working at a retail store this summer and also helping my parents out at their church.  My mom has been truly awesome this summer.  She watches my son for me, so I don’t have to stick him in a day care center (we don’t have any decent ones in my area…props to areas that do!)  With all of this going on, I have been spending so much time over at my parents this summer.  It will truly feel weird when school starts back up, and I will actually be living at home again!

It is great being over there, though.  My family and I are all really close.  This past week, we had an extra special visitor!  One of my nephews from Indy came and stayed for a week.  The boys all enjoyed their time together.

Using their creative geniuses, they decided that putting the sprinkler under the trampoline was a great way to stay cool during the 100+ weather!

They were awesome!  They each took turns jumping directly over the sprinkler.  It was hilarious to watch!

Of course the oldest got the most air!

After all the fun was had, they came in for some No Bake Cookies.  I made them, so of course they were (start sing-song voice)  “AWESOME!” (end sing-song voice)

Haha…seriously though, it is truly hard to go wrong when making them.  I will add the recipe soon!

Last picture from that visit: my son and my mom.  I love this picture of them, even though you can’t see his face.  It was a great moment, caught on film (well pixels actually…I think…)

All of that being said, it has been a pretty good summer so far.  We are all enjoying our time together!

More to come…

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