
and give me Jesus!

Where can I hear the truth?

on September 11, 2012

Yesterday, I had 2 different conversations with 2 different people at 2 different times that both centered around the same topic.  I decided that God was moving me to speak on this subject.  So here it goes…

It was said that people are getting offended by the church taking a stand and reporting on important issues.  Some people feel that politics should not be discussed from the pulpit.  They feel that church and politics should be separated.  Now, while I agree that church is not the place to rally for one party versus the other, I do think it is the church’s responsibility to make known issues that are important to God.  Preachers often act on behalf of the Heavenly Father in leading His followers to truth.

If church is not the place to hear truth, then I ask you, “where is?”

Brothers and sisters, we cannot be afraid to speak the truth.  We cannot be afraid to say that God wants us to follow His laws.  We must speak the truth that God wants us to honor His idea of marriage, that being one man and one woman.  We must speak the truth that God wants us to value the sanctity of life, which begins at the moment of conception.  He has called us to be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.

I honestly believe that if you are confused on your views or offended by those statements, pray for the truth.  It will be there.

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