
and give me Jesus!

Moment of Silence

on September 12, 2012

“Let’s bow for a moment of silence.”

How many times have we heard that in the past 11 years?  Today marks a day in which we tend to hear it most often.  I wonder how many moments of silence the families of the 9/11 victims take.  How many times they hear silence when they would much rather hear the voices of the loved ones lost.  Even when I’m fighting with the ones I love, I would take that over never hearing their voices again any day.

I am always in awe when I hear stories of those who have given their lives for others.  The rescue personnel who died during the horrific aftermath of the planes crashing into the twin towers will always be on my list of heroes.  I never knew any of them.  But to know that they responded to cries and pleas for help from people they didn’t even know, knowing it would cost them their life, just brings tears to my eyes.

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 (NIV)

When I think of today, I can’t help but pray for those who were lost.  For their families and friends.  Losing someone is so very hard.  Losing someone in such a tragic way is just unbelievable.  One cannot begin to fathom the pain the survivors feel.  And yes, even after all these years, the pain is still fresh.  Time does not heal all wounds.

Whenever events like 9/11 are brought to your mind, please take a moment to pray for those who live day to day never seeing their loved ones ever again.  Don’t let this happen just on September 11th each year.  Take time to remember them frequently.  God hears our prayers and will reach out to those we have never met to comfort them.

Please bow for a moment of silence.

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