
and give me Jesus!

Complain. Come on…You know you want to!

Complaining.  You know you are guilty of complaining.  Even if you are the world’s most positive person, you still complain.

Truth is: we all do.  It is in our nature as human beings to complain.  We see things that are not fair, and we feel this desire within us to announce to the world that it is not right!

We complain about the weather.  We complain about work/school.  We complain about our family.  We complain about our hair.  Honestly, I could write an entire book full of sentences just like those.

A couple weeks ago in church, I heard a sermon on taming our tongues, and he admitted his biggest issue was complaining.  As I sat in the back, I could see every hand go up when he asked who complains.  We all have issues with complaining.  I wonder if God ever gets sick of hearing us complain about things.  My preacher challenged us to work on not complaining as much that upcoming week.  I did great!…for a day…but then I soon fell quickly back to my old habits.  (Let’s face it: I work in a public school; complaining comes with the territory.)

But here is my take on complaining: I think we all have this deep desire to correct wrongs in the world.  It is in our human nature to complain.  Instead of fighting this innate desire so much, I challenge you to use it, but use it in a different sense.

I want to see the world complain for others.  Complain for God.  I know, that sounds crazy.  But here is what I mean:

I don’t think it’s fair that God has to see His children fighting.

I don’t think it’s fair that God had to sacrifice His Son because we humans make stupid decisions.

I don’t think it’s fair that children starve while I throw away rotten leftovers.

I don’t think it’s fair that some children walk around barefoot while I have 30+ pairs of shoes.

I don’t think it’s fair that some people never get to experience love in their lifetime.

See…you knew I had to go somewhere legit with my challenge for you to complain.  🙂

But here’s the kicker: instead of just complaining and leaving it at that, do something about it.  Live your life for Christ so His sacrifice won’t be in vain.  Support organizations that feed the hungry.  Spend less on your frivolous lifestyle and use that money to sponsor a child in a 3rd world country. (for more on that, check out World Vision or Compassion International)

I don’t think we should try to completely shut off our desire to right wrongs; I think we just need to learn how to complain the right way.

So go ahead: complain!!

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