
and give me Jesus!

Florida Vacation 2013: Day 3

Day 3:

We are headed back to Islands of Adventure!  We spent so much time at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter on Day 1, we didn’t get to explore the rest of the park!


Marvel Universe!!!!  Wolverine is my favorite ;]

First stop, Incredible Hulk!!  Once again, I opted out!




Toby digs the roller coasters!!  After turning his stomach a few times, we spotted a few X-men ready for photo-ops!!  First up, Cyclops: ‘Toby’s favorite!


Second, Wolverine!!  I was a little star struck :]

Toby even got him to autograph his Marvel shirt!!



By this time, we were getting pretty warm.  So we headed to Popeye & Bluto’s Bilge-Rat Barges.  We got soaked!!


Grandma and Toby had another photo-op!


Before we left the park, we hit the Christmas shop.  It was exciting seeing Christmas stuff in May!


Toby had fun posing with the Nutcracker!!




Once again, it started raining after we left, but it gave us some much needed rest time in the hotel!

Day 3: Success!!!

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Free Love

I was sitting here watching Cold Case.  This particular episode was about the 1960’s and “free love.”  The case was about a doctor who performed illegal abortions out of his home using a bicycle spoke.

It made my heart ache for the women who grew up in that era, being told that “love should be free” and “make love not war.”  Then, they end up pregnant, lost, and confused.  Many of these women ended up with infections, not to mention broken hearts.

This mentality has unfortunately continued into this day and age.  We live in a society where sex with anyone and everyone is encouraged.  “Consequences” can be easily “taken care of” because it is legal now.  Although infections still happen, many women never have physical symptoms.  It is much cleaner and safer (physically) these days.

What these women weren’t and still aren’t told is that they will carry the guilt and sadness with them for the rest of their lives.  Babies are not “consequences.”  Babies are human lives; God’s way of saying the world should go on.  Human life should not be disposed of like yesterday’s garbage (although even most of that is recycled and cared for these days).

Although I could go on for hours about my views on abortion and the poor babies that are affected, my heart also bleeds for the women.

Girls and women are being traumatized in a society that encourages “free love.”  But, each time you sleep with someone, you give a piece of your soul away.  It is not something that should be taken lightly.  To add to that trauma, many women are also piling on the trauma of abortions.  They fall victim to this notion of YOLO (You Only Live Once) and are now feeling the pain of taking a life.  I truly do not believe that most women who get abortions get one because they want to.  I believe they truly feel torn, lost, and without hope.

My answer to this sad epidemic is not just fighting the end result of certain actions, but also fighting the beginning.  We need to stop trying to fill the voids in our lives with anything and everything but what will actually fill it: Jesus.  Everything we try to fill up on except Jesus will hurt us, damage us, and leave us empty and worse off.

Reach out to those around you with Christ’s love.  Reach out to Him, because I promise you, He is there.

Stop this downward spiral.

And if you have or know someone who has had an abortion, you need to hear this: Jesus forgives you!  He loves you and knows you are hurting.  Reach out to Him.

The only free love, is Christ’s.

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Where can I hear the truth?

Yesterday, I had 2 different conversations with 2 different people at 2 different times that both centered around the same topic.  I decided that God was moving me to speak on this subject.  So here it goes…

It was said that people are getting offended by the church taking a stand and reporting on important issues.  Some people feel that politics should not be discussed from the pulpit.  They feel that church and politics should be separated.  Now, while I agree that church is not the place to rally for one party versus the other, I do think it is the church’s responsibility to make known issues that are important to God.  Preachers often act on behalf of the Heavenly Father in leading His followers to truth.

If church is not the place to hear truth, then I ask you, “where is?”

Brothers and sisters, we cannot be afraid to speak the truth.  We cannot be afraid to say that God wants us to follow His laws.  We must speak the truth that God wants us to honor His idea of marriage, that being one man and one woman.  We must speak the truth that God wants us to value the sanctity of life, which begins at the moment of conception.  He has called us to be a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.

I honestly believe that if you are confused on your views or offended by those statements, pray for the truth.  It will be there.

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Biblical or Political?

Due to a recent conversation with someone, which ended in me being the subject of, what I consider, a nasty facebook post, I have decided this subject needs to be addressed responsibly.  Naturally, my first instinct is to fight back with a nasty comment, but alas, I have retracted my claws and realized that is not what God would have me to do.  Therefore, I am firing back with the Word of God and divine inspiration.

This particular conversation circled around my political views, which as stated in the disclaimer, are very conservative.  The person I was conversing with belongs to a different group of political beliefs.  This person attends a church where the pastor has preached teachings such as “God doesn’t care about Health Care Reform” and “He doesn’t care who we have in office.”  This, my friends, is a classic case of a cop-out.  In his effort to not offend anyone, he has chosen to speak for God, and do so incorrectly.  Do I believe that God cares which health insurance we carry?  Not necessarily.  But I do believe that God gave us a brain and expects us to use it.  If our only issue with the current USA leadership was health care, life would be much simpler.  But, it is not.  When looking at a person whom you choose to elect, you have to look at all he/she stands for.  Educate yourselves.  Do not just sit back and allow the lame stream media to filter what knowledge you are exposed to.  I love what Proverbs 22:12 says:

12 God guards knowledge with a passion,

but he’ll have nothing to do with deception. (The Message)

Ladies and gentlemen, we live in a society where deception is what we are presented with.  Do not allow yourself to be spoon fed incorrect information.  Do not allow them to pull the wool over your eyes.  Dig deeper.  Find out for yourself what a person stands for.  The best evidence one can give is not the flowering words they speak.  I find it ironic that the candidates in the past who speak the sweetest, end up with the most bitter results.  You have to wonder why some people put so much emphasis on making their speech sound appealing.  Matthew 7:15 says:

15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. (NIV)

Ladies and gentlemen, this verse gives us what could possibly be the most important advice any of us is ever to receive.  “By their fruit you will recognize them.”  This, simply stated means “Actions speak louder than words.”  Luckily, we live in a day where knowledge is only a click away.  Instead of simply allowing the media to convince you a person is good because they wish to change the economy, find out what else they stand for.  I was recently accused of allowing “earthly things” to prevent me from what “God has in store” for me simply because I value one’s political beliefs.  I truly believe that you can tell a lot about a person simply by who they wish to govern our nation.  I am so frustrated that followers of Christ have allowed society to shut us up when it comes to standing for what’s right.  I am going to tell you this right now so please hear me.  I will always vote for someone who stands beside biblical beliefs (valuing the sanctity of life, recognizing the importance of traditional marriage, etc.) over someone who can lower taxes any day.  I believe with all my heart that we will answer one day for such actions.  I do not feel like I can stand before God and say, “Well yes Lord, I did vote someone into office who legalized abortion and same sex marriage, but guess what, he lowered my health care bill!”  Really?  What kind of a response do you think that will cause?

I was also asked if my views were biblical or political and guys, my simple response to that is this: they should never be separate.

Listen, I am not trying to offend anyone.  If what I say does offend you, then maybe you need to pray for direction from God.  As followers of Christ, we were called to take up our cross and follow Him, even if that meant leaving loved ones behind.  Sadly, it has come to that point for me.  But I know my Jesus is all that I need. As Christians, we have allowed society to bully us into believing we are full of hatred or that we are bigots because of our beliefs.  If you take a stand for what’s right, society is there, ready to nail you for spreading hate speech.  BUT…this is what we were all told would happen.  Jesus told us time and time again that to follow Him came at a price. Mark 13:13 says: “And everyone will hate you because you are My followers. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.” (NLT) Again in John 15:18 “If the world hates you, remember that it hated Me first.” (NLT)  And again in Matthew 24:9 “Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are My followers.” (NLT)

So let me ask you this…are you ready to be hated?  Are you ready to endure suffering because you choose to stand for what is right?  Are you ready to lose family members, friends, etc. because you speak the name of Jesus Christ?

I will leave you with one final verse…

2 Peter 3:17: Dear friends, you already know these things. So be on your guard not to be carried away by the deception of people who have no principles. Then you won’t fall from your firm position. 18 But grow in the good will and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Glory belongs to him now and for that eternal day! Amen. ( God’s Word Translation)

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I love Jesus with my whole heart, and I am very conservative on my political views.  So, if either of those offend you, please just find another blog to read.  I’m sure I do not have anything else that interests you enough to keep you reading.  I will not approve comments that are straight hits at my views/beliefs.  I do appreciate intelligent contributions.  However, I will not sit and debate things with anyone.

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Colorado Victim…Miracle!

celtic straits

(Updates follow article)

Four years ago today, I posted a blog about my emergency room “miracle experience” after the Aurora Theater shooting. The post went viral, and created some controversy. Does God really do miracles? Why for one person and not another? Does a good God even exist?

I don’t claim to have all the answers. But I saw the miracle with my own eyes. Thank you to those who have asked me to repost this story for a reminder: God is still at work.

July 23, 2012

At Columbine High School, I have seen this before. But not up close.  As a church pastor in Denver, I have worked as a chaplain alongside several police and fire departments. I was privileged to counsel parents just hours after the Columbine shootings. However, in this new tragedy at the Aurora Theater Dark Night shooting, one of the victims was a 22-year-old…

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Could circumstances possibly…

The band MercyMe always writes amazing songs.  In wake of the horrible tragedy in Colorado, a couple of their songs resonate throughout my head.  “Bring the Rain” and “Hurt and the Healer.”

“Bring the Rain” has amazing, powerful lyrics that truly speak to me.  It starts out by stating how people ask him how he can still worship God, given all he has been through.  He responds by saying “The question still amazes me, could circumstances possibly change who I forever am in you?”  Wow…powerful right?  It has always gotten me thinking…is this true in my life?  I like to think so.

My heart and prayers go out to the families of the victims in this sadistic, heinous crime.  This coward, clothed in bullet proof gear, rained hatred and lack of respect for human life down on so many.  I am still baffled at how a human being can possess so little care and regard for another human life.  I call him a coward because he allowed himself protection against bullets while raining them down on innocent people who were given no chance for protection or safety.  What, you couldn’t bear the thought of feeling the pain of a bullet wound, yet you purposefully shot them into the flesh of innocent people, trying to enjoy a favorite past-time??  It doesn’t get much more cowardly than that.

I will spend the next few weeks looking up information, recording as much as I can, and blogging what I find out about the victims.  I pray their stories survive longer than the coward’s.    People need to be reminded of their stories, personalities, accomplishments, etc.  They were people…someone’s child, not just another numbered victim as some may be tempted to leave them.  Let us spread the word of who these people were.

This rather hits home with me.  I lost my oldest nephew recently, and I do everything in my power to make sure his story goes on.  Join me in praying for the families of lost loved ones and continue to share your memories with as many people as you can!

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Crazy, Busy Summer

This summer has absolutely been crazy!  It has flown by so quickly!

Normally, during the school year, I work at an elementary school as a Supervisor.  Basically, I watch the kids at lunch, recess, and before and after school.  It is so much fun; I truly love my job.  But, during the summer, I do not get paid.  So, I have to work other jobs, which I do not love!  lol

I have been working at a retail store this summer and also helping my parents out at their church.  My mom has been truly awesome this summer.  She watches my son for me, so I don’t have to stick him in a day care center (we don’t have any decent ones in my area…props to areas that do!)  With all of this going on, I have been spending so much time over at my parents this summer.  It will truly feel weird when school starts back up, and I will actually be living at home again!

It is great being over there, though.  My family and I are all really close.  This past week, we had an extra special visitor!  One of my nephews from Indy came and stayed for a week.  The boys all enjoyed their time together.

Using their creative geniuses, they decided that putting the sprinkler under the trampoline was a great way to stay cool during the 100+ weather!

They were awesome!  They each took turns jumping directly over the sprinkler.  It was hilarious to watch!

Of course the oldest got the most air!

After all the fun was had, they came in for some No Bake Cookies.  I made them, so of course they were (start sing-song voice)  “AWESOME!” (end sing-song voice)

Haha…seriously though, it is truly hard to go wrong when making them.  I will add the recipe soon!

Last picture from that visit: my son and my mom.  I love this picture of them, even though you can’t see his face.  It was a great moment, caught on film (well pixels actually…I think…)

All of that being said, it has been a pretty good summer so far.  We are all enjoying our time together!

More to come…

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Latest Indy Visit

This post requires a little back story, so bear with me.

I was born and raised for 10 years in indy.  My family is all from there.  We moved to Illinois so my dad could go to college to earn his Bachelor’s in Preaching.  My parents and one sister still live in Illinois not far from me.  But my grandparents and my other sister still live in indy.  I go to see my sis as often as I can.  She has four kids, and they rock.  Recently, one has gone to live with Jesus…that’s another blog for another day.

Anyways, my son and I took a trip to indy last month for my nephew’s high school graduation party.  We always stay later than just the scheduled event…we just have so much fun together!!

This is my son and two of my nephews attacking one of my other nephews.  They love the big boys…they are like living jungle gyms!!

During this visit, we celebrated my nephew graduating from high school.  I did shed a few tears, wondering where in the world the time went.  It seems like only a couple of years ago I was feeding him a bottle and changing his diapers!! (love you ceige!)  Kids grow way too fast.  I wish I knew how to slow it down!

CJ enjoyed his graduation cake that I made for him.  It included: the four babies (even though they are not babies anymore), a pbj sandwich, an Indiana state cutout decorated like the state flag, the Subway logo, his high school wrestling team logo, a gold medal, a frosty from Wendy’s, a cutout of his tattoo, his college team wrestling logo, a graduation cap, and him riding the coaster of life.  All these things represent my nephew, pretty much in a nut shell.

After we celebrated his graduation, we also had to celebrate his dad’s birthday.  My son and nephew wanted to help decorate Uncle Gene’s birthday cake!

My niece wanted to deliver the cake to him.  For a second, we thought she was going to smash it in his face.  “Here Dad, have cake!”

After I snapped the picture, I realized it was a bittersweet photo.  My nephew who went to live with Jesus is in the background looking down on the festivities.  It was an awesome moment.

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