
and give me Jesus!

Heavy Heart…

My heart is heavy tonight.

I watched the movie “Lone Survivor.”

If you have not seen this movie, I highly suggest it.  Yes, the language is bad.  But, you need to see first hand what our men and women, heck some boys and girls are dealing with everyday.  Watch it.  Seriously.  But keep tissues handy.  And remember to breathe.

If you have seen the movie, you know exactly why my heart is heavy.

While watching this movie, my heart was torn in pieces watching our men go through hell.  Being in extreme conditions.  Seeing their families and loved ones only through Skype, if they get service.  Talking only through chat, email, letters.  Getting shot at.  Watching their brothers and sisters killed before their eyes.

Everyday, I hear on the radio another report of soldiers being slaughtered at the hands of evil, and I am sickened to say that I have become immune to these reports.  I hardly listen to them anymore.  I’m ashamed to admit that.  After watching this movie, I no longer will turn the channel.  I will pray for the families of these fallen heroes.  I will listen to every detail.  Every report.  These men and women deserve that, at the very least.  I wish I could do more.  They need us to remember them.  They need us to continue the fight of why they died.  If we don’t fight there, we must fight here.  Don’t let the wrong decisions continue to be made by our “leaders.”

These men and women are sons and daughters.  They are brothers and sisters.  They are husbands and wives.  They are daddies and mommies.

Every time you hear a report, take a moment and remember these heroes.  Let their death not be in vain.  Please.