
and give me Jesus!

Colorado Victim: Gordon Cowden

on August 2, 2012

Gordon Cowden

All of the following information has been copied from its original location.  Each section has been linked to the website where I found the information.

Cowden was the oldest victim identified by the Arapahoe County coroner’s office.

Cowden grew up in Austin, Texas, and is the father of four children, his friend Jane Gibson told NBC News. “I had texted him yesterday to see how he was (after hearing of the shooting), I never heard back from him.” His parents and siblings live in Texas, she said.

“A quick witted world traveler with a keen sense of humor, he will be remembered for his devotion to his children and for always trying his best to do the right thing, no matter the obstacle,” his family said.

Gordon Cowden’s devastated daughter remembered her father’s last words of love during the first funeral service Wednesday for the victims of the shooting rampage in Aurora, Colo.

In heartbreaking detail, family members remembered the 51-year-old divorcee from Aurora as a man with a bottomless sense of humor, a devout Christian, and a father who was absolutely devoted to his four teenage children.

Cowden, a real estate appraiser, was the oldest of the 12 moviegoers killed during a midnight showing of “The Dark Knight Rises” at a suburban Denver multiplex in one of the worst mass shootings in American history.

Standing behind two large framed pictures of her father, 17-year-old Brooke Cowden emotionally recounted how her dad spent his final hours that day teaching her the country two-step dance before taking her and her 16-year-old sister Cierra to the movie.

When a gunman opened fire in the crowded theater, the last thing she remembered was hearing her dad shout to them through the chaos, “I love you! I love you both!”

Both Brooke and Cierra escaped the theater unharmed.

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, Aurora Mayor Steve Hogan, Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates and more than a dozen uniformed Aurora police officers were among the more than 300 mourners at Pathways Church near downtown Denver.

Cowden will be buried Friday in Austin, Texas.

Following the service, Byron Gray, who served with Cowden’s son Weston in the Civil Air Patrol, said he was still trying to make sense of the sudden and vile act of terrorism.

“All I know,” he said, “is we’re always going to have these evil people doing evil things.”


Gordon Cowden loved life and his family, and he had gone to the midnight movie premiere with his two teenage children.

At 51, he was the oldest of the victims killed in the shooting. He lived in Aurora, but was described as a “true Texas gentleman” in a family statement. He loved the outdoors and owned his own business.

“A quick-witted world traveler with a keen sense of humor, he will be remembered for his devotion to his children and for always trying his best to do the right thing, no matter the obstacle,” his family said.

Cowden’s teenage children escaped the shooting unharmed.

His family declined to be interviewed in their request for privacy, but expressed appreciation for words of concern offered in the wake of the shooting.

“Our hearts go out to everyone that has been harmed by this senseless tragedy,” they said.


The family of a father who was killed in the Colorado movie theater shooting clung to each other and wept at his memorial service today, the first for a victim of the massacre.

Gordon Cowden, 51, was the oldest of the 12 people killed when a gunman opened fire at the Dark Knight Rises midnight showing last Friday. His teenage children escaped unharmed after they had gone with their father to see the blockbuster.

Mr Cowden lived in Aurora, the Denver suburb where the theater is located. A family statement described him as a ‘true Texas gentleman’ who loved the outdoors and owned his own business.

His family said in a statement: ‘A quick-witted world traveler with a keen sense of humor, he will be remembered for his devotion to his children and for always trying his best to do the right thing, no matter the obstacle.’

Carrying flowers and passing a large portrait of Cowden, about 150 mourners gathered for the memorial at a Denver church. Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper paused at the photo before entering the church.

The memorial was also attended by Aurora Mayor Steve Hogan and Aurora Police Chief Dan Oates.

3 responses to “Colorado Victim: Gordon Cowden

  1. V.E.G. says:

    There is another one like Gordon Cowden: Louis J. Felder. Felder is a Hebrew gentleman and he was a nice guy and always smiling and kind and he was buried within 24 hours after his passing.

  2. V.E.G. says:

    There is another one like Gordon Cowden: Kevin Dennis Marlo. Marlo is a gentleman and he won the role to play the character Korbin Kane in the movie, Flight. Unfortunately, after Kevin Marlo died, the idea was dropped and scrapped per family’s wishes.

  3. V.E.G. says:

    There is another one like Gordon Cowden: Jesse McCord Lewis. Lewis gave his life saving his classmates. He is with God.

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